This section explores how educators use the decision-making process to extend and enrich children’s learning.
It focuses on the 5 learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework and the associated focus areas for learning under Foundations for Success.
Each learning area describes:
planned learning – the knowledge, skills and dispositions expected of children in their early years
pedagogy – the intentional teaching practices that promote this learning
documenting and reflecting – the ways children can demonstrate their learning in the early years.
Educators use this information to plan for learning that is responsive to individual children, the group and the community context.
A series of questions—'as you reflect on your practices ask yourself'—is provided for each learning area to guide your reflection on the ‘cultural fit’ of decision-making in responding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their families and the community.
An overview of each learning area is provided below.
For more information and resources to help you plan for learning across each of the learning areas, go to the
planned learning page.
In this section