The planned learning, described across the
5 learning areas of Foundations for Success, outlines crucial aspects of learning most relevant to the early childhood phase of life. Your in-depth knowledge of this learning will help you to support children's achievement of the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.
The planned learning reflects the holistic nature of children's learning. The knowledge, skills and dispositions developed in one learning area will often be used by children as they learn across other areas.
You should use your knowledge of the planned learning to:
- maintain a clear learning focus
- guide your intentional and spontaneous curriculum decisions
- build on the rich cultural, linguistic and conceptual skills children bring to the early learning program.
Planning, documenting and reflecting are ongoing in an early learning program, and should involve educators, children and their families.
To plan for children’s learning, educators watch and listen to what’s happening to learn from the children and learn about them. These observations inform their relationships and help educators prepare environments, experiences and interactions that engage the children.
Educators should plan in a way that involves all members of the teaching team. Visible plans are important in an accountable and professional early learning program. They should be a work-in-progress, which the teaching team, the children and families can access.
When planning for learning, aim for a balance of experiences across all learning areas, using a variety of environments, including inside and outside spaces and a
range of pedagogical contexts.
Planning resources